In today’s fast-paced business world, companies want to optimize operations and stay competitive. Two strategies that often come up in this pursuit are outsourcing and offshoring. Though they sound alike, these terms are different. They have distinct meanings for businesses. If you’re a startup, you want to cut costs. If you’re an established firm, you […]
React has taken the web by storm. It is a powerful library for building user interfaces. But, as you dive deeper into your projects, knowing your React-version is essential. Knowing your React-version can prevent issues later. It will ensure compatibility with other libraries and tools. Checking your React-version is easy.
Node.js has taken the web development world by storm, providing a robust environment for building server-side applications. Whether you’re crafting a sleek API or diving into full-stack development, knowing your Node.js version is crucial. It’s like checking the weather before heading out—essential in ensuring everything runs smoothly.
Software development is evolving faster than ever. GitHub-Spark is leading the charge. Imagine a workspace where AI blends perfectly with your coding. It will change how you develop projects. GitHub-Spark uses AI. It will boost productivity and streamline processes like never before.
Vue and React: Ultimate Comparison of Javascript Frameworks If you’re a developer who’s looking to build dynamic, interactive web applications, then you’ve probably heard of Vue and React. These two JavaScript frameworks have gained immense popularity in recent years for their ability to simplify the development process and help developers create amazing user experiences. But […]
Web Application Development: Beginner’s Guide Are you looking to break into the world of web application development but don’t know where to start? Whether you’re a tech-savvy newcomer or simply interested in broadening your skillset, this beginner’s guide is here to help. From understanding the fundamentals of web development languages such as HTML and CSS, […]
WordPress Theme Development Services Are you a blogger or business owner looking to take your website to the next level? Look no further than WordPress theme customization development wordpress design services! With custom themes, your website can stand out from the crowd and capture visitors’ attention. But where do you start? In this blog post, […]
In Laravel 8, timesince is not a built-in function or method. However, it is possible to get the needed result (i.e. get a string representation of how long time ago was) by using one of several methods. How to get time since a certain moment in the past in Laravel? By using Carbon library diffForHumans() […]
Are you an entrepreneur in search of a reliable and skilled workforce to build your Laravel website? Or maybe you are tired of managing the entire development process by yourself, which has led to various setbacks? Well, let’s talk about outsourcing. Outsourcing your Laravel web development and data management services can help take some […]
Commercial Vue software development Introduction to Vue.js Vue.js is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It was created by Evan You, and is now maintained by an open source community. Vue.js is widely used in China, and has been gaining popularity in the Western world over the past few years. If […]
What are the Official Laravel Certification Programs? Laravel is a popular PHP framework for web application development. The Laravel certification program is designed to recognize developers who have demonstrated high proficiency in using the Laravel framework. The Laravel certification program is offered by Laravel’s creator, Taylor Otwell, through his company, Laravel LLC. There are currently […]
Runcloud is a great tool for managing servers and deploying WordPress, Laravel and custom PHP applications. It might be a bit less suited for running node applications like Nuxt.js and such. The same goes for deploying Laravel projects with Envoyer. But if you have a lot of servers, having them in one place becomes really […]
Introduction In this blog post, we will take a look at the state of Laravel and PHP development in late 2022. We will explore the current landscape of the industry, the challenges faced by developers, and the future of the two popular web frameworks. The Laravel PHP Framework The Laravel PHP Framework is a popular, […]
How to hire a dedicated WordPress developer Introduction If you’re running a wordpress site, chances are you’ve thought about hiring a dedicated wordpress developer at some point. After all, wordpress is a complex platform and it can be difficult to keep up with all the changes and updates. But where do you start? How do […]
How to Choose an App Building Company in 2022 With the rise of mobile apps, there’s been a proliferation of app building companies. It’s no wonder – according to Statista, there were over 3.5 billion active smartphones worldwide in 2020, and that number is only going to rise. But with so many app builders out […]
vuejs development services Vue.js is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It was created by Evan You and is now maintain by him and the rest of the Vue core team members. The framework is incredibly versatile and can be used for a variety of applications. If you’re looking for vuejs development services, look […]
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It can be a challenge to hand off your vision to a team of even the most qualified professionals. Here Nomadic Soft, we’ll work directly with you to deliver next-level applications and websites that deliver your customers a streamlined and professional experience. Below, you’ll find some common questions that our team fields frequently.
Can you develop an app/website for my client?
We offer a full range of development services that can cater to customers looking to shift development responsibilities for their business. We approach each project individually to help cater to each of our clients, regardless of whether we are working for them or with them on one of their projects.
Which programming languages work well for website development?
While developers often use a whole host of programming languages to develop websites, our team specializes in several key technologies for optimized results. Depending on the project, we’ll use different technologies to meet user needs and client requirements.
How do you know which technologies are suitable for my project?
We approach every client with an individualized approach. What works for one team won’t necessarily work for another. Our development team will assess which technologies are right for your project across factors like project size, unique requirements, complexity, cost and maintenance.
What are the current top technologies used in website and application development?
Developers often leverage several technologies and programming languages when working. Our team offers full-stack solutions utilizing modern methods like Java (Kotlin), Javascript, WordPress, PHP, Laravel and Python.
Ready to Get Started
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